Our Youngest Trainee So Far!

On the recent Swallowfield course we were pleased to be able to train Benham who despite his looks was only 14 years old!.  He had contacted us himself as he saw the importance of being trained in Emergency Life Skills and after we had checked with his parents we welcomed him onto the course.  He told us he enjoyed the course and had learned a lot.

Just to remind everyone – we can train 10 years + and there are numerous stories of children / young adults saving lives, so these courses are not just for the “oldies”!


Our youngest trainee so far - 14 years old  (that's the one on the right!)

Our youngest trainee so far – 14 years old (that’s the one on the right!)

Watch your own Heart Attack

An interesting twist on a Heart Attack.  See through your own eyes what a Heart Attack feels like.

Click here to watch!
